Now set your mind and heart to seek the LORD your God.


St Marys Worship

Our worship tries to reflect our church community life, so we use the Book of Common prayer once a month at 9am, our other services are drawn from the Church of England's Common Worship. Our 9am service is Holy Communion, our 11am is more informal as we try to encourage community, family life and provide as much as possible for all ages, including our uniformed organisations, Our evening service is a reflective service of Night-Prayer or Compline. We of course do offer weddings and baptisms and funerals to our community, which hopefully provide a significant way of marking a very important occasion. Underpinning our worship is a daily Rule_of_Life which helps us to grow in our faith.


We record and post a short everyday a daily service on our FaceBook page and an audio version is publish on our keep-in-touch telephone service 0151-317 3050 too.


We meet each Sunday at 9am, 11am and 6-30pm for worhip.

Details are posted about these services on our FaceBook page.


On the last Saturday of the month at 9am we meet for prayer in church.

On the last Sunday each month at 10am we have a short informal all age family focessed service.


We do celebrate the high days of our Christian Life together, having special service at Easter and Christmas.

We do mark those special occasion of life with our Annual Service of Remembrance, a Service of Hopefor those who have been bereaved, and we do celebrate God's goodness with a harvest thanksgiving service.

Streamed services

We use Zoom to join us at 11am and 6.30pm service you can join by clicking this link using these logo on details Meeting ID: 499 632 2932 and Password: L19worship

CCLI Streaming licence 778898 please note any worship used is purely for worship and not profit making


Saturday 22nd March
12:00pm - 3:00pm -
Saturday 5th April
12:00pm - 3:00pm -

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2022 Lent talk 6

2022 Lent talk 5

2022 Lent talk 2

2022 Lent talk 3

2022 Lent talk 4

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