Now set your mind and heart to seek the LORD your God.

Latest news

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
    And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
    and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6.8


Here is our news for the end of June. It comes with the blessings of the wardens, the ministry team and myself, the Lord be with you! I am hoping you and your families are safe and well. This lockdown period has gone on much longer than I expected.

Here’s what I’ll be covering, our news, your feedback and of course relaxing the lockdown.


Camino at Home

Why we are doing this

We are doing the Camino at Home, because we can’t sensibly do the real journey, we’d planned for this September. The Camino de Santiago de Compostela route we’d be taking is across northern Spain which is a 480-mile journey. We’re going to walk this mileage locally so that we can address the heating system at St Marys’ and of course still do our own pilgrimage. This ‘Camino at Home’ is beneficial. It will encourage the church to become more eco-friendly and should also reduce the cost of our heating. It will mean our heating system becomes reliable. It will also encourages our congregation to exercise by walking and improving their own fitness level.

Week One:

John and I have walked 41 miles (Friday) so far and hope to add at least another 5 miles tomorrow. Just over £900 has been raised so far, thank you!  There is information and pictures on Facebook and they will soon be on our website.

Be Involved

I have been thrilled by those who have also taken on walking projects to journey with us in spirit. We will publish our itinerary each week. We would like to encourage people of all abilities to join the Saturday community walk, keeping current Government restrictions. We’ve been on some great walks so far. If you know any local walks please do email me, it would really help.

We have some other events in mind, like an online viewing of the film “The Way”, using zoom. Our film viewing licence should allow this. It’s a long film so we may watch over two or three sessions. This film has a great story and it inspired John and I to do the Camino.  We have in mind a few food events -if lockdown allows. Again let me know any ideas you may have.

We are always looking for sponsors for this church Camino which can be done by cheque, card or cash or bank transfer.  If you have internet you can use this link for a card gift.

Tomorrow Our community walk is from Sefton Park (the lake car park) from10am- the distance you walk is up to you. We will be walking in anticlockwise direction, keeping your left side towards the park. Next week’s community walk is along the prom from the red bull at 10am.


After the storm a few weeks ago our buildings are mainly ok, there was a leak into the church hall at the back near the annexe.

Our Architect has made us aware of £25000 grant from English Heritage during the Covid-19 period, so with her help we have applied. We wait on the news.

- The Church security system has been specified and the application is with the diocese for approval. The increased donations meant we could upgrade the spec. Please note this will change access into church and we need to know if you have church keys.

Iknow Church Computer Software

We are purchasing a product to help with our communication and admin tasks such as rotas etc… it’s called Iknow church. We will be asking you if we can hold some basic details that will help us organise church life and admin.

We have noticed that quite a few didn’t sign up for church membership at the renewal of the electoral roll so we will be emailing you to consider that too.

Feedback from last time

Many thanks for the feedback you sent me.

  • Asking me to keep morning prayer going post lockdown period– yes we will keep it going until Christmas and then check if you still want it
  • Similarly, on Saturday and Sunday keep Night Prayer going too.
  • Thank you for being so encouraging about our young people and the 11.30am service
  • Thank you for reminding that cheques and cash are still welcome at St Marys.
  • Sorry that we’ve not been able to produce the parish magazine, but the most of our events disappeared and the printing and sorting would have come down to Paul & Jean, I hope that this bulletin has helped.

Relaxing lockdown

The Prime Minister is allowing Public Acts of Worship from 4 July. You will know that this is American Independence Day, but it is our own church anniversary of consecration in 1854! As public worship opens up there are Covid-19 restrictions, such as up to 30 people max with Social Distancing in place. We’ll also need clear floor direction markings clearly showing which way people can move in church. Other information on cleaning and what to do if somebody is exhibiting Covid-19 symptoms are being assessed. The bishop is also allowing weddings and funerals. The PCC have decided to offer church funerals, we are working on weddings too. We are waiting on our bishop and the House of Bishops to lead on this.

With regard to opening up for worship we have two thoughts, one is to prioritise those who can’t access the online services? Another though is to begin with younger people as they are deemed more resistant to the virus! I would love to hear your thoughts about this, it will help with planning. It will be some time I feel before we get back to our usually pattern of worship.


Just to let you know our staff apart from Jean are furloughed and will need to be, until our income picks up again, hopefully by September. We do thank our staff who have been furloughed too and hope to welcome them back soon. So, we would like to express our thanks to those who have been able to support us financially during this time- no gift is too small. Our Church and our diocese are struggling financially. There is a lot of information on our web page - about a variety of ways to give such as Cheque, transfer parish giving system, giving envelopes and card payments.


L19:Messy Church & Who Kept the Dads in! They have lots of resources on their Facebook page and are also using Zoom to have virtual sessions. It is L19:WLTDO tomorrow 27 June at 10.30am. They and the uniformed orgs have a very full life online and outside!


We have been trying to make our worship accessible to as many as possible, by streaming our worship on ZOOM or posting a recording of it on Facebook, on our Website or on phone number 0151-317 3050. We have realised that listening to our longer services on the telephone is difficult, so it’s only the shorter services that are posted there (Max 10mins).

If you would like me to pray for anybody or light a candle in church, please just let me know

SUNDAY - 8am Morning Prayer (Facebook and our website & 0151 317 3050)

                 10am Online zoom Children's Early Service (Recording on Facebook & Website)

                 11.30am Online Zoom Sunday Morning worship (recorded on Facebook, Website)

     6.30pm Online Zoom Sunday Reflective Night Prayer Service

                    A recording of this will be on Facebook, our Website & 0151 317 3050 by 7.30pm

MONDAY-FRIDAY - 8am Morning Prayer (Facebook and our website & 0151 317 3050)

SATURDAY - 8am Morning Prayer (Facebook and our on website & 0151 317 3050)

                      7.30pm Night Prayer (Facebook and our website & 0151 317 3050)

Do not forget we have an online Zoom coffee break Monday- Friday at 10am for 20-30 mins just to catch up – you would be very welcome to pop and say hello!

Prayer Points

  • Please pray for those who have lost loved ones
  • Please pray for our NHS and those who are ill or anxious
  • Please pray as things return to normal and the lockdown is eased and for wisdom as w begin to open our church
  • Please pray for each other
  • Please pray for the healing of our world and justice as racial tensions have been highlighted

Take care and stay safe from Paul and the team.


Saturday 22nd March
12:00pm - 3:00pm -
Saturday 5th April
12:00pm - 3:00pm -

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