Now set your mind and heart to seek the LORD your God.

Camino at Home info

Camino at Home

Why we are doing this

We are doing the Camino at Home, because we can’t sensibly do the real journey, we’d planned for this September. The Camino de Santiago de Compostela route we’d be taking is across northern Spain which is a 480-mile journey. We’re going to walk this mileage locally so that we can address the heating system at St Marys’ and of course still do our own pilgrimage.  St Marys old sysem is unreliable and not very effective when working and costs a lot to run. A New system will cost around £40,000 of which we currently have about £8,000 towards this is our attempt to get this system sorted. This ‘Camino at Home’ is beneficial. It will encourage the church to become more eco-friendly and should also reduce the cost of our heating. It will mean our heating system becomes reliable. It will also encourages our congregation to exercise by walking and improving their own fitness level.


We are able to publish more pictures from the walks on social media FaceBook, but each week we will update our camino prgress page and each week give a taster of the walks. We have an app that marks our virtual route along the camino mao, so all that info will be posted too.

Be Involved

I have been thrilled by those who have also taken on walking projects to journey with us in spirit. We will publish our itinerary each week. We would like to encourage people of all abilities to join the Saturday community walk, keeping current Government restrictions. We’ve been on some great walks so far. If you know any local walks please do email me, it would really help.

Sponsoring our event

We are always looking for sponsors for this church Camino which can be done by cheque, card or cash or bank transfer.  If you have internet you can use this link for a card gift.


Saturday 25th January
10:00am - 12:00pm -
12:00pm - 3:00pm -
Thursday 30th January
10:30am - 12:00pm -

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