Public Consultation Meeting
Sunday 15th January 2017
The Heritage Lottery Fund gives a grant the church should provide detailed plans as to how it will promote the church’sheritage. This development phase is vital to enable the 2nd submission to be made.
Areas of work during this development phase have included
- Visits to other HLF churches to learn lessons from them
- Looking at church policies e.g. safeguarding, health and safety, risk management
- Determining which activities volunteers will undertake
- Activities
- There are 2 core activities – the history of the church and the architecture of the church
- These must be accessible to all
- These will run for 3 years
- 25 volunteers have been recruited and have met 4 times already to shape their plans
- There will be guided tours around the church, links with children and young people through schools to promote the church’s heritage
- Drop in centres will be held in church so that the community can access help agencies inside the church building at the same time as appreciating the church building’s heritage
- Phone apps, websites and social media will be used to promote the church’s heritage.
- It is hoped that these activities will bring in 3-4,000 visitors to the church over the course of a year.
Tribute was paid to Ian Simpson Diocesan Link for Heritage, Rebecca Grimshaw, Architect and all the volunteers who have worked so hard to put their activity plans together.
Questions and Comments
- Should the church access other bodies for funding? It was explained that the ones approached had been identified as the ones most likely to provide some monies
- The importance of constant prayer during this
page updated Sept '17