Now set your mind and heart to seek the LORD your God.


2023 marks 169 years of St Mary Grassendale here are some brief pointers...

1850 - 'Let us build a church to serve the community'
In Grassendale the residents found a home near to the river where the could enjoy all the amenities of the country and still be near their places of business to drive there in their carriages in less than half and hour.

1852 - Foundations stone laid

1853 - St Mary's church open for worship

1854 - The Ceremony of Consecration takes place
Performed by the Lord Bishop of Chester on 4th July 1854. The collection at the service totalled £100 15s 6d.

1888 - The Parish Hall Opened
The need for a parish hall was soon felt, and to raise the necessary funds a four-day bazaar was held at the Philharmonic Hall.

The proceeds made it possible to buy a piece of land and build the hall which was opened by Bishop Ryle the first bishop of Liverpool.

1897- The Victoria Day Schools are opened
During the Vicarate of Rev Charles Yeld (1894-1905) the church day schools were built. they were opened by Rt. Rev. Bishop Ryle in 1897 and named 'The Victoria Schools'. The first term commeneced on January 10th 1898 and 66 children were admitted. in 1952 the school became 'aided' and the name was changed to St Mary's C.E. School, grassendale.

1920 - The First Parochial Church Meeting Held
On April 14th 1920 the first Parochial Church Meeting was held under the Church of England Assembly (Powers) Act 1919. The meeting decided it would appoint 20 members to the council, half to be men and half to be women.

1854 - The Church celebrates it centenary
The church celebrated with a week of festivities: a garden party, a visit by the Lord Mayor, a visit by the bishop, a pageant of youth and a thanksgiving service

2004 - The Church Celebrates its 150th Anniversary



Vicars of St Marys

1853 Rev John Evans
1884 Rev john Thomas pearce
1886 Rev Frederick Barker
1894 Rev Charle Yeld
1905 Rev Thomas Henry Philips Hyatt
1916 Rev George Henzell Jobling
1925 Rev Guy Bentley croswaite
1936 Rev Roger Henry Sparrow Fowke
1943 Rev Charles William Leslie
1951 Rev Hubert Seed Wilkinson
1968 Rev james Alexander Gilchrist Scott
1977 Rev Vivian Francis Edward Rogers
1985 Rev Geoffrey Douglas Buclkland
1994 Rev Michael Eric Greenwood

2000 Rev John Howard Robinson 2006 Rev Paul Ellis 




Saturday 22nd March
12:00pm - 3:00pm -
Saturday 5th April
12:00pm - 3:00pm -

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